Since I haven’t been on here for a while, let’s chat it up a bit about a topic that shows up in everyone’s life: the BUILD UP, THE KNOCK DOWN and the REBUILD. I am currently going through this RIGHT NOW. Let me break down each phase. The BUILD UP is the high you feel when you are creating something MAGNIFICENT. It is guiding you through a HIGH that is better than drugs. You LOVE the feeling of the build because at this moment, you feel UNTOUCHABLE. As soon as you feel UNTOUCHABLE, the KNOCK DOWN humbles your ass real quick. It is there to remind you that, “Hey BUDDY, you are GREAT but your BIG head is starting to get in the way.” It is in that moment where you feel like you wasted all your time and energy on the BUILD UP. You then hide away because you feel like you failed. And as we all know, no one enjoys failing. I wish I didn’t feel so much like crap when that happens. No matter how much I mediate, I realize I have to go through the feelings. Now that I am currently in the REBUILD phase, it is easer to talk about the KNOCK DOWN. The older I become, the KNOCK DOWN phase is easier to manage. As I focus on my REBUILD, I immediately notice that it is better than my initial BUILD UP! Isn’t funny the way life works??? You thought you failed on the BUILD UP but what really happened was a RE-ROUTE to the REBUILD! Let that sit and marinate.
Use this when you don’t understand: the breakup, the job termination, the friendship that ended, the failed diet, or anything in your life that did not go as planned. Like, share and tell me what you think!